For any services regarding Cats and Dogs please refer to your local animal shelter.
Feel free to call us at any time, weekends included. We are here for you!!
Copyright @ BatPro Animal Control LLC
Michigan Dept. Of Wildlife
Permit # RC 881
"Fully Insured and Permitted to provide you with humane and effective Wildlife Control with the utmost care"
When suburbia expands further into rural communities a homeowner may experience a pack of coyotes denning near by. If you have a pet wandering outside, whether it be a cat or small dog, you can expect that adventually your pet will experience a encounter with wildlife. For example when a coyote becomes territorial and has a den nearby, the pups are hungry and the female and male are running about searching for food. Well, you take a guess? Also, when a domestic pet enters within the confines of a coyotes territory, they will typically take action to eliminate the threat of the opposing animal, to protect their pups and eliminate competition for food sources. It is just a fact of life.
Controlling coyotes is a task that only handful of people in west Michigan are capable of. Many careful steps must be taken to ensure the successful capture of a pack of denning coyotes, as they are a very intelligent animal.
Regarding Coyote control or coyote removal be sure to give BatPro Animal Control LLC a call first and a trained technician will assess, evaluate and take action upon the situation as needed. We have the skills, knowledge and training to help resolve any conflicts with wildlife.
BatPro Animal Control LLC is currently serving the greater Greenville and Montcalm county surrounding area for Coyote animal control and Coyote removal; we can help provide you with a solution!
For Prompt Service within 24 hours, call 616-894-0699